Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) technology controllers are ideal for use in solar energy situations where 36 or 72 cell PV modules are available and the site is unshaded with no physical space limitations. All models incorporate advanced thermal design requiring no cooling fans, which ensures long-term reliability with no moving parts to fail– a unique feature among higher-powered controllers.
General Description
Morningstar’s SunKeeper solar controller provides a low-cost regulated output directly from the solar module to maximize battery life in small solar applications. The SUnKeeper is epoxy encapsulated and rated for outdoor use. By mounting directly to the module junction box and wiring through the junction box knockout. The connection is weatherproof. This eliminates the need for additional housing for the controller.
Rugged design
Approved for outdoor use without an additional enclosure. IP65 rated with UV-resistant case; epoxy encapsulated electronics and watertight connection to the junction box.
High temperature rated
– to 70° for operation in high temperatures at the solar module, with no need to de-rate.
High Reliability
Rated to 70°C to operate in high temperatures at the solar module. More reliable than controllers mounted inside the junction box. User very low on-resistance power mosfets. No need to re-rate.