Morningstar EcoBoost controllers act as the central brain of PV-powered DC electrical systems up to 1,120 watts and offer outstanding value, performance and dependability.
General Description
TThe EcoBoost MPPT™ solar charge controller brings Morningstar’s proprietary TrakStar Technology™ to our new line of Essentials controllers and accessories. The EcoBoost controllers automatically detect 12 or 24-V system configurations. They are highly efficient and accurate controllers designed to ensure that batteries attain a complete state of charge
Maximizes Energy Harvest
Using TrakStar MPPT technology to determine and adjust to the true maximum power point as solar insolation changes throughout the day.
Optional Meter
Provides access to system operational information including current and historical performance data. All EcoBoost “M” controllers include the meter.
Self Diagnostics
Continuous monitoring and reporting of any errors through its status LED’s, or its optional display